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Filmography by Chris Turner


Danish design and the future

Situated in one of the oldest streets of Copenhagen, Denmark, Norm Architects is a multi-disciplined studio working across industrial design, residential architecture, commercial interiors, photography and art direction. Their work is imbued with an intrinsic quality: a simplicity that carries bigger ideas. Much like human well-being, the essence of Norm Architects’ work is found in balance—between richness and restraint, order and complexity. Guided by the body and mind rather than by trends or technology, their projects explore ideas that not only look good but that also feel good. Architecture becomes thoughtful, minimalism acquires softness and visual matter assumes haptic qualities. 

Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen of Norm Architects reflects on his own home and explores his studio’s influences from their Danish context, building on the traditions of Scandinavian design—timeless aesthetics, natural materials and upholding Modernist principles of restraint and refinement. He explores their design processes within their studio and the influences of Danish culture, Norm Architects' expertise lies in finding the balance—when there’s nothing more to either add or take away.

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Dänisches Designerbe VOLA Erfahrung Versprechen für Langlebigkeit

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